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(myo͞o-zĭsh′ən)n. One who composes, conducts, or performs music, especially instrumental music.
[Middle English musicien, from Old French, from Latin mūsica, music; see music.]
mu·si′cian·ship′ n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
n (Music, other) a person who plays or composes music, esp as a profession
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(myuˈzɪʃ ən) n. a person who performs music, esp. professionally.
[1350–1400; Middle English musicien < Middle French. See music, -ian]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun | 1. | musician - someone who plays a musical instrument (as a profession) instrumentalist, player musical group, musical organisation, musical organization - an organization of musicians who perform together accompanist, accompanyist - a person who provides musical accompaniment (usually on a piano) bandsman - a player in a band (especially a military band) bassoonist - a musician who plays the bassoon carillonneur - a musician who plays a carillon cellist, violoncellist - someone who plays a violoncello clarinetist, clarinettist - a musician who plays the clarinet flautist, flute player, flutist - someone who plays the flute gambist - a musician who performs upon the viola da gamba guitar player, guitarist - a musician who plays the guitar harmoniser, harmonizer - a musician who sings or plays in harmony harpsichordist - someone who plays the harpsichord hornist - a musician who plays a horn (especially a French horn) jazz musician, jazzman - a musician who plays or composes jazz music keyboardist - a musician who plays a keyboard instrument lutanist, lutenist, lutist - a musician who plays the lute organist - a person who plays an organ percussionist - a musician who plays percussion instruments performer, performing artist - an entertainer who performs a dramatic or musical work for an audience pianist, piano player - a person who plays the piano recorder player - someone who plays the recorder rhythm and blues musician - a performer (and sometimes composer) of rhythm and blues music rock 'n' roll musician, rocker - a performer or composer or fan of rock music saxist, saxophonist - a musician who plays the saxophone singer, vocalist, vocalizer, vocaliser - a person who sings soloist - a musician who performs a solo trombone player, trombonist - a musician who plays the trombone cornetist, trumpeter - a musician who plays the trumpet or cornet vibist, vibraphonist - a musician who plays the vibraphone fiddler, violinist - a musician who plays the violin |
2. | musician - artist who composes or conducts music as a profession music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner adapter, arranger, transcriber - a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance artist, creative person - a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination cantor, choirmaster, precentor - the musical director of a choir composer - someone who composes music as a profession conductor, music director, director - the person who leads a musical group virtuoso - a musician who is a consummate master of technique and artistry |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
'I am not a musician. I don't go in too deep. If you have the music in your head, and you sing it with your body, then you'll be alright' [Luciano Pavarotti]
'I'm a concert pianist - that's a pretentious way of saying I'm unemployed' [Alan Jay Lerner An American in Paris]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
nounOne who plays a musical instrument:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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músico/a m/fhe's a musician →
es músicoCollins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
noun1. the art of arranging and combining sounds able to be produced by the human voice or by instruments. She prefers classical music to popular music; She is studying music; (also adjective) a music lesson. musiek موسيقى музика música hudba; hudební die Musik; Musik-.. musik; musik- μουσικήmúsica muusika موزيک musiikki musiqueמוזיקה संगीत glazba zene musik tónlist musica; di musica 音楽 음악 muzika mūzika seni muzik muziekmusikkmuzyka ساز música (de) muzică музыка hudba; hudobný glasba muzika musik ดนตรี müzik 音樂 музика موسیقی âm nhạc 音乐
2. the written form in which such tones etc are set down. The pianist has forgotten to bring her music. musiek الألْحان ноти música noty die Noten (pl.) noder παρτιτούραmúsica noodid اهنگ nuotit musique תָּווִים लिखिल संगीत note kotta musik tertulis nótur musica 楽譜 악보 natos notis muzik muzieknoternuty ساز música partitură ноты noty note note noter โน้ตเพลง nota 樂譜 ноти منضبط تحریری موسیقی bản nhạc 乐谱
ˈmusical adjective1. of or producing music. a musical instrument. musiekagtig موسيقي музикален инструмент musical hudební Musik-.. musik- μουσικόςmusical muusika- موزيکال musiikki- de musique מוזיקלי संगीत glazbeni zenei musik tónlistar- musicale 音楽の 음악의 muzikos, muzikinis mūzikas- muzikal muziek-musikk-muzyczny سازی musical muzical музыкальный hudobný glasben muzički musik- เกี่ยวกับดนตรี müzikle ilgili 音樂的 музичний موسیقی سے متعلق thuộc âm nhạc 音乐的
2. like music, especially in being pleasant to hear. a musical voice. musikaal موسيقي приятен musical melodický melodisch melodiøs μελωδικόςmusical meloodiline داراى اهنگ sointuva musicalערב प्यारा milozvučan zenés merdu hljómfagur musicale 音楽的な 음악적인 malonus (ausiai), melodingas melodisks; labskanīgs menyeronokkan muzikaalvelklingende, melodiskmuzyczny ساز musical muzical мелодичный melodický ubran, speven muzikalan välljudande, melodisk ไพเราะ müzik gibi, ahenkli 音樂般的(尤指悅耳的) мелодійний موسیقی کی طرح du dương 音乐般好听的
3. (of a person) having a talent for music. Their children are all musical. musikaal مَوهوب في الموسيقى музикален com talento para a música muzikální musikalisch musikalsk μουσικό ταλέντο (για πρόσωπο) dotado para la música musikaalne موسقى دار musikaalinen musicien כִּישָׁרוֹן מוּזִיקָלִי संगीत की समझ वाला muzikalan muzikális berbakat musik músíkalskur portato per la musica 音楽の才がある 음악에 뛰어난 muzikalus muzikāls berbakat muzik muzikaalmusikalsk muzykalny ساز dotado para a música talentat la muzică музыкально одарённый muzikálny glasbeno nadarjen muzikalan musikalisk ซึ่งมีทักษะทางดนตรี müzik yeteneği olan 有音樂天份的 музикальний سریلا، خوش آہنگ có năng khiếu về nhạc 有音乐才能的
noun a film or play that includes a large amount of singing, dancing etc. musiekblyspel فِلْم موسيقي музикален филм musical muzikál das Musical musical μιούζικαλmusical muusikal موزيکال musikaali comédie musicaleמחזמר संगीत प्रधान mjuzikl zenés játék; musical film atau sandiwara musik söngleikur musical ミュージカル 뮤지컬 miuziklas mūzikls filem muzikal musical musikkfilm/-spill, musikalkomedia muzyczna, musical موزیکال musical musical мюзикл muzikál glasbena revija mjuzikl musikal, musikfilm ละครเพลง müzikal 歌舞片,歌舞劇 мюзикл نغماتی فلم nhạc kịch; phim ca nhạc 音乐片
ˈmusically adverb musikaal موسيقيّاً музикално musicalmente hudebně musikalisch musikalskt; melodiøst μουσικά musicalmente meloodiliselt مطابق اصول موسيقى sointuvasti musicalement מִבּחִינָה מוּזִיקָלִית संगीत समारोह glazbeno zeneileg, muzikálisan secara musikal músíkalskt; tónlistarlega musicalmente 音楽的に 음악적으로 muzikos požiūriu, muzikaliai muzikāli dengan muzikal muzikaalmusikalsk, velklingende muzycznie د ساز د اصولو سره سم musicalmente muzical музыкально hudobne glasbeno muzikalno musikaliskt ทางดนตรี müzik yönünden 悅耳動聽地 музикально; мелодійно موسیقی کے طرز میں một cách du dương 和谐地
musician (
noun1. a person who is skilled in music. The conductor of this orchestra is a fine musician. musikus موسيقي، موسيقار човек добър в музиката músico muzikant, -ka, hudebník, -ice der/die Musiker(in) musiker μουσικόςmúsico muusik موسيقى دان muusikko musicien/-ienne מוזיקאי संगीतकार glazbenik zenész, muzsikus musikus tónlistarmaður musicista 音楽家 음악에 뛰어난 사람 muzikas mūziķis ahli muzik musicusmusiker; musikkyndigmuzyk ساز پوه músico muzician музыкант hudobník, -čka glasbenik muzičar musiker ศิลปินเพลง müzisyen 音樂家 музикант موسیقار nhà soạn nhạc; nhạc sĩ 音乐家
2. a person who plays a musical instrument. This show has ten singers, twenty dancers and fifty musicians. musikant عازِف موسيقي музикант músico hudebník, -ice der/die Musiker(in) musiker μουσικόςmúsico muusik موسيقى دان soittaja musicien/-ienne נגן संगीतज्ञ glazbenik zenész pemain musik hljóðfæraleikari musicista 器楽奏者 음악가 muzikantas mūziķis pemain alat muzik muzikantmusiker, spillermuzyk سازپوه músico instrumentist музыкант-исполнитель hudobník, -čka glasbenik muzičar musiker, musikant นักดนตรี çalgıcı, müzisyen 樂師 музикант ساز نواز nhạc công 乐师
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